Don't Treat Hemorrhoids Lying Down
Treatment and Prevention Care for Better Living
1 in 3 individuals will suffer hemorrhoids at least once during their lifetime. If it’s not you, you likely know someone who has experience dealing with hemorrhoids.
Chronic and painful, ailments like hemorrhoids can leave people feeling tired, anxious, and depressed. The treatment impacts work, play and everyday living such that patients wonder which is worse, the pain or the treatment.
Preventative care can go a long way in managing chronic hemorrhoids and leads to fewer episodes and overall better health.
What is preventative care?
Preventative care includes those activities and treatments that people follow when they are feeling well to postpone chronic relapses of disease and symptoms. Following guidelines of maintaining good digestive health is a key component of preventative care for the management of hemorrhoids.
Examples of preventative care in supporting digestive health:
- Drink water, and plenty of it
- Eat a varied diet with a focus on fiber
- Get moving; don’t stay stationary for hours at a time
- Take time for proper bathroom breaks, don’t ignore bodily signals
In spite best preventative care, hemorrhoids don’t always resolve without interventional treatment. Interventional treatments range from a wide variety of topical medications to surgery. Your health care provider is best qualified for suggesting and prescribing the appropriate treatment.
Don’t be surprised if the first level of treatment includes suppository medications. Given that hemorrhoids are easily reached with suppositories, it is a fast and efficient method for alleviating symptoms. You will feel better, faster, with targeted topical therapy.
The major complaint with suppository treatment for hemorrhoids is that it is usually prescribed 2-3 times a day and each treatment requires that you lie on the floor for 30 to 45 minutes. The second complaint is the need for wearing protective undergarments because of poor placement of the medication within the body. It’s no wonder patients debate which is worse: the symptoms or the treatment.
Today there is a new option for targeted topical treatment with suppositories. Sephure suppository applicators allow patients to administer medications without lying down. And because Sephure properly places the medication, it doesn’t leak and therefore there is no need for protective undergarments.
Because of the chronic nature of hemorrhoids, symptoms can relapse even with the most diligent preventative care. With proper treatment during times of your flare, you can find effective relief of symptoms.