Resolutions for Positive Change
At the start of the new year many of us make resolutions aimed at improving our lives. Sometimes lofty goals can set us up for failure.
Perhaps instead we should make a resolution to not make our lives harder but think about ways we can improve our lives with simple steps. Make resolutions that help you streamline life.
When you suffer from a chronic illness it can take away some of your freedoms. Symptoms of chronic illness and other issues that might impact a persons' life include:
- Pain
- Fatigue
- Unpredictability of when and where a flare up will occur
- Hospital and Doctors visits
- Medications and medical management
When you are in a flare or episode, it is important to find ways to manage your illness and lessen the impact it has on your life so you can regain some of your freedoms.
Suppositories are used to treat a wide variety of ailments and symptoms and are used more commonly than one might think. Patients living with digestive diseases, functional bowel disorders such as Irritable Bowel Disease, hemorrhoids and anal fissures all use suppositories.
It may be surprising to learn that people living with spinal cord injury, those requiring daily bowel regime, and people suffering occasional migraines also use suppository medication. For patients in end of life or palliative care, suppository medication is a mainstay for controlling pain and nausea.
While rectal suppository medication is trusted and useful, it is impractical for the lifestyles of people in the 21st century. Suppository medication has been used for hundreds of years but a delivery device hadn’t been commercialized until the release of Sephure.
Sephure applicators can be a part of independent care and treatment programs for patients who use suppository medication. Sephure suppository applicators ensure proper placement of suppository medication and offer a clean and effective method for suppository insertion that takes less than five seconds. Patients can get on with their life, no more lying on the floor for 30 minutes waiting for the medication to start working.